Revealing the Truth Behind Deepwater Horizon Litigation
The collection of documents known as “The BP Papers” are available here, and explained in detail. The Downs Law Group represents thousands of individuals throughout the Gulf States who were exposed to toxic chemicals released by BP during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and subsequent response efforts. These documents, obtained via Discovery (pre-trial civil procedure allowing the parties to obtain evidence from each other) allow people to see what is happening “behind the curtain” of secrecy that normally shrouds ongoing litigation.
These documents, which were previously designated by BP as “confidential” have, for the first time, been made available to the public, and will evidence the methods BP has used to “manufacture scientific doubt” and uncertainty. It is clear, through these documents, that BP has worked vigorously to downplay the harmful health effects of the Oil Spill to the public through various means. Here, you will find various emails, studies, reports, and memoranda to and from BP employees and BP-contractors that will collectively show BP’s “playbook.” Even now, BP continues to work one goal in mind since the day of the oil spill: to defend against future litigation by downplaying the potential health effects of the oil spill.
The Downs Law Group’s lawsuit against BP for the Gulf Oil Spill Disaster represents the first litigation that has uncovered evidence of long-term harm caused to people helping to clean up an oil spill. In keeping with the spirit of transparency and Florida State’s Sunshine in Litigation rules and laws, we are publishing documents that are unsealed in our lawsuit, in the hopes it will keep the public informed on important safety matters. We believe the courts belong to the public and everyone has the right to see this evidence of public hazard.
Please stay tuned as we will be updating this page regularly!
Read a collection of BP workers’ and contractors’ emails, studies, reports, and memos that together demonstrate the company’s “playbook” by viewing the linked documents below.
Title of Document: BP Scientific Literature Publication Tracker
Description: BP maintained a publication tracker that is an excel spreadsheet dated from early 2014. However, this 2014 date may be wrong as one note in the spreadsheet mentions activity in 2013. This publication tracker is an excel spreadsheet of studies that BP was apparently marshalling into scientific journals—studies that would be of benefit to BP with regards to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. This tracker documents 9 steps in the process of publishing the 23 named studies, beginning with “paper submitted by author” and includes “final legal review” and “final bp approval.” After BP’s legal team reviewed the study and approved it, the next step states, “submitted to journal.”
Relevance: This publication tracker provides further evidence that BP was seeding the scientific literature with studies for legal purposes, not for purposes of science. BP tainted the scientific literature by funding and overseeing purportedly neutral or independent studies in support of its litigation defense. While the studies referenced in this “Publication Tracker” may acknowledge funding from BP, there is no disclosure that this paper was apparently legally reviewed, edited, and then approved by BP, before it had even been submitted to a journal.
Title of Document: BP Consultant Ron Atlas Billed Scientific Paper to Exxon
In October 2010, an official in Exxon’s law department emailed Ron Atlas of the University of Louisville the revised draft of a “comment to the editor” that Atlas was working on to rebut an article by Venosa. Atlas’s rebuttal concerned a paper by EPA scientist Albert Venosa on the biodegradability of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
“Before you work on this draft any more, could you give me through Tuesday to workout some editorial suggestions that are roiling in my mind?,” Exxon wrote to Atlas. [See Venosa Rebuttal Document Above]
A couple months later, Exxon asked Atlas to turn in his December 2010 invoice, and Atlas disclosed he would be billing some hours dealing with the Venosa matter. “I am waiting on Jim Bragg to dinish [sic] his work on the paper with Gary so that we can get to the Venosa response paper and the legacy piece,” Atlas emailed. [See Venosa Response Billed Out Document Above] “I should have confirmed that there were no hours. My apologies. There will be a few hours in January that deal with responding to Venosa.”
Mr. Atlas’s email to Exxon is marked “Privileged and confidential” and was for “Oil spill litigation.”
Relevance: Professor Ron Atlas at the University of Louisville began consulting for BP on September 1, 2010, to help BP defend against federal and states litigation on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. These documents show that, in at least one instance, Atlas billed a scientific paper on oil spills to an oil and gas company.
Title of Document: BP Internal Audit or Baxter Report of 2005
Description: Congress held hearings in 2006 after BP’s pipeline in Alaska leaked 200,000 gallons, or 5,000 barrels of crude oil. BP later shut down two key pipelines in Alaska that carried 8 percent of America’s domestic oil. During the hearing, Congress released a report with multiple BP documents showing BP’s history of cutting safety in Alaska for the sake of profits.
One of those documents is a 2005 report written by BP’s John Baxter and other BP safety experts on BP’s Alaska pipeline corrosion program.
“This strategy to maintain flat lifting costs is driving behaviors counterproductive to ensuring integrity and the delivery of an effective management system,” the BP’s audit found. “A more effective and efficient process would be to derive the set of activities required to deliver a robust corrosion management system over the longer term and thereafter set the budget based on these activities.”
“[T]his report seems to suggest that there was pressure at BP to reduce expenditures on its corrosion program,” noted one Member of Congress, during the 2006 congressional hearing.
Another Member of Congress demanded BP explain why they would decrease safety testing when the oil in the pipeline “was increasingly capable of causing corrosion.”
Relevance: This internal BP audit of their pipeline safety practices provides further evidence that the company seemed to place profits over safety. “BP’s policies are as rusty as its pipelines,” one Congressman stated.
Title of Document: ‘Coffman Engineers Report of BP Alaska Pipelines’
Description: Congress held hearings in 2006 after BP’s pipeline in Alaska leaked 200,000 gallons, or 5,000 barrels of crude oil. During the hearing, Congress released a report with multiple BP internal documents showing the company’s history of cutting safety in Alaska for the sake of profits.
Congress released a 2001 report by the contracting company Coffman Engineers, which worked for the state of Alaska, to review BP’s pipeline corrosion program as seen in Coffman’s Draft Report.
When Coffman submitted their draft report to Alaska officials, BP countered with 5 pages of concerns and comments as seen in BP’s Concerns on Draft Report.
A member of Congress noted that multiple phrases and sentences in the Coffman draft report disappeared from the final Coffman report after BP got involved: “There are loads of language like this in this report that is gone after British Petroleum started to work on this report, and to use a bit of a British understatement, it turned an inspection report into a bit of a whitewash, and so we are here today.”
Relevance: The congressional hearing record and documents released by the committee show that BP seemed more concerned with profit than safety. After BP complained, language in a government draft safety report was removed from the final.
“British Petroleum’s marketing campaign claims that BP stands for Beyond Petroleum but today we are finding that BP stands for a company with bloated profits that failed to fix bad pipelines,” one Congressman stated, “And the consumer at the pump is responsible for paying the price.”
Title of Document: ‘University Professor Invoiced BP $48K for One Month’s Work’
Description: On February 1, 2011, Professor Ron Atlas at the University of Louisville emailed BP his time sheet, travel receipts, and invoice for January 2011 (Invoice No.1-11). “Please confirm receipt and let me know if this should also be sent to anyone else,” Mr. Atlas wrote. “Copies have been sent to Jean Martin at BP and Brian Israel and Joseph Kakesh at Arnold and Porter.”
A BP employee replied, “Dr. Atlas, It is my understanding that you have already submitted Invoice No.1-11 – $48,511.50, via email, to Steve Palmer (which has already been approved).”
Professor Ron Atlas at the University of Louisville began consulting for BP on September 1, 2010, to help BP defend against federal and states litigation on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. BP’s one month payment to Mr. Atlas of $48,511.50 was only slightly less than the entire yearly median income for an American household—$50,054.
BP also maintained a publication tracker of talks and studies that BP was apparently marshalling into scientific journals and conferences, that would benefit BP with regards to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. BP’s attorneys tracked Atlas’s scientific presentations, sometimes editing them.
Title of Document: ‘BP’s Hidden “Attorney Work Product” Emails with Academics and Science Consultants’
Description: BP has designated over 3,500 Emails between their academics and third-party science consultants as “Attorney-Client Privilege” or “Attorney Work Product.” This hides the scientific views and findings of these academics and science consultants from both the court and the public.
Here are 4 examples:
Paul Boehm of the consulting firm Exponent sent an email on June 27, 2011 to attorney Emma Lewis at Arnold & Porter and Ronald Atlas at the University of Louisville. The email subject line read, “RE: shoreline biodegradation sites.”
BP has marked that email “Attorney-Client Privilege; Attorney Work Product.”
BP claims the email contains “Communication between client, counsel and consultant regarding materials for study and interpretations undertaken at request of counsel in connection with, and/or anticipation of potential litigation arising from the Deepwater Horizon Incident, including but not limited to the NRDA.”
BP stated in a March 22, 2023, letter that BP had hired Ron Atlas on September 1, 2010, to help BP with Deepwater Horizon oil spill litigation.
On May 20, 2010, Exponent’s Paul Boehm signed a contract with Arnold & Porter that legally restrained him from “any activities that are adverse to the interests of BP Exploration or Arnold & Porter’s representation” on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill “even after termination of your consulting work.”
Paul Boehm of Exponent sent an email on April 12, 2011, to several BP employees and an attorney at Arnold & Porter, and copied the email to Ronald Atlas at the University of Louisville, and two other BP consultants. The email subject line reads, “Revised SETAC Presentation.”
BP has marked that email “Attorney-Client Privilege; Attorney Work Product.”
BP claims the email contains “Communication between client, counsel and consultant regarding materials for study and interpretations undertaken at request of counsel in connection with, and/or anticipation of potential litigation arising from the Deepwater Horizon Incident, including but not limited to the NRDA.”
William Stubblefield at the University of Oregon sent an email on October 20, 2010 to several BP employees and Paul Boehm of Exponent, and cc’d BP attorney Jean Martin and an attorney at Arnold & Porter. The email subject line reads, “Re: Proposed radiometer survey plan for nearshore waters Oct 24- 25 – Confidential Attorney Work Product.”
BP has marked that email “Attorney-Client Privilege; Attorney Work Product.”
BP claims the email contains “Communication between client, counsel and consultant regarding materials for study and interpretations undertaken at request of counsel in connection with, and/or anticipation of potential litigation arising from the Deepwater Horizon Incident, including but not limited to the NRDA.”
BP stated in a March 22, 2023, letter that Arnold & Porter had hired William Stubblefield on September 20, 2010, to help BP with Deepwater Horizon oil spill litigation.
Karen Murray at Exponent sent an email on October 18, 2011, to BP employees, and cc’d Damian Shea of North Carolina State University about revising a scientific presentation. The email subject line is “SETAC partitioning presentation, revisions.”
BP has marked that email “Attorney Work Product.”
BP claims the email contains “Communication between client, counsel and consultant regarding materials for study and interpretations undertaken at request of counsel in connection with, and/or anticipation of potential litigation arising from the Deepwater Horizon Incident, including but not limited to the NRDA.”
Relevance: Many of the academics and science consultants whose emails remain hidden later gave public presentations at science conferences and published studies in peer reviewed journals that downplayed the dangers of BP’s oil spill. However, hidden emails may show what these scientists actually believed to be true about the toxicity and dangers of BP’s spilled petroleum.
Title of Document: ‘Fossil Fuel Company Paid BP Consultant to Give Keynote Address on Oil Spills at Science Conference’
Description: BP consultant Ron Atlas at the University of Louisville also worked for ExxonMobil on the Exxon Valdez oil spill. After Atlas had been invited to give a keynote address on oil spills at a science conference, Atlas emailed Exxon’s Law Department in February 2011, to be sure the company did not object. Atlas then asked if Exxon would cover his expenses and pay him to give the keynote address.
“I have been asked to give the keynote address at the Goldschmidt conference in Prague for the session Giant Oil Spills and Environmental Impact: Past Lessons and Future Predictions,” Atlas emailed a contact in Exxon’s Law Department. “I am assuming that Exxon would not object to my making this presentation based upon what we generate for the legacy book. But I am also wondering if Exxon would be willing to cover my travel expenses since the meeting does not cover travel.”
Atlas then detailed his expenses for the conference, which included charges to Exxon of $500/hr for travel time and $500/hr for attending the meeting.
Travel expenses about $1250
Travel time 7 hours $3500
Meeting time 8 hours $4000
This comes to $8,750 that Atlas asked Exxon to pay him for giving the keynote address at the Goldschmidt conference.
“We’ll support your participation and speaking at the Goldschmidt Conference,” Atlas’s contact in Exxon’s Law Department emailed back.
Relevance: BP stated in a March 22, 2023, letter that BP had hired Ron Atlas on September 1, 2010, to help BP with Deepwater Horizon oil spill litigation. BP also maintained a publication tracker of talks and studies that BP was apparently marshalling into scientific journals and conference, that would be benefit BP with regards to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. This tracker shows that BP’s attorneys tracked Atlas’s scientific presentations, sometimes editing them.
This ExxonMobil document shows that, in at least one instance, Atlas billed a scientific talk on oil spills to an oil and gas company.
Title of Document: ‘BP Academics and Third Party Consultants’
Description: BP sent a letter on March 22, 2023 that provided details of the academics and scientific consultants they, their law firm, or private contractors had hired to help BP with litigation.
The letter reads: With respect to the “academics” and “third party consultants” referenced in your letter, the table below includes information about certain of those individuals, including their affiliations, when they were retained, and by whom. These consulting experts were retained to prepare for and respond to natural resource damages litigation initiated by the federal and state governments.
Many of academics were retained indirectly, by BP’s outside counsel or consultants, to act as “non-testifying” experts for the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill under the direction of BP attorneys.
Relevance: This letter provides evidence that BP hired academics and scientific consultants for litigation purposes, not for purposes of science. A significant number of these academics and consultants later gave scientific presentations or published studies in peer reviewed journals without disclosing they had been hired to help BP with litigation against the federal and state governments.
Title of Document: ‘Science Leaders Ask BP Consultants to Limit Submissions to Gulf Spill Conference’
Description: Leaders for the 2011 SETAC Gulf Oil Spill Focused Topic Meeting emailed several BP consultants, notifying them that they had overwhelmed the conference with submissions.
“We have a few parties that have submitted numerous (6 or more) abstracts. Exponent falls into this category.”
The email was sent to several Exponent employees, including Paul Boehm, as well as Ron Atlas, a professor at the University of Louisville, who was working with BP. Exponent’s submissions to the conference detailed how to measure BP’s oil in the water column and in sediments. Mr. Atlas alleged that BP’s oil was rapidly degrading.
“Therefore, we discussed with the SETAC Office the challenges here and agreed that we need to ask these parties, such as yourselves, to review their respective bodies of submitted abstracts to see where they could be combined to more integrative presentations (a way to reduce the number of presentations per institutions without diminution of the science).”
Relevance: This email documents that BP consultants were playing an enormous role in setting the early scientific narrative for evaluating the impact of BP’s oil spill.
Months prior to this email, Exponent’s Paul Boehm signed a contract with Arnold and Porter to work on behalf of BP Exploration. Boehm’s contract with BP legally restrained him from “any activities that are adverse to the interests of BP Exploration or Arnold & Porter’s representation” on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill “even after termination of your consulting work.”
Some years after this email, Ron Atlas appeared on a BP publication tracker that documented studies and presentations that BP was apparently marshalling into the scientific community for legal purposes, not for the purposes of science. In one example, BP discussed a Ron Atlas presentation on Deepwater Horizon oil biodegradation that BP’s legal team was sent for final review.
Title of Document: ‘Chemical Exposure Data for Gulf Cleanup Workers Dangerously Deficient’ Email
Description: In the summer of 2010, BP exchanged communications containing a memorandum from an independent Certified Industrial Hygienist regarding obvious deficiencies in BP’s Industrial Hygiene (Worker Safety) monitoring and sampling. The “non-detections” that BP and its contractors found when monitoring for worker and community safety were relied on by BP, OSHA, and government agencies to make a “steady stream of sweeping reassurances that the air in the Gulf poses no health hazard to Gulf cleanup workers.” This BP email and memo highlights various reasons why BP’s worker sampling during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill was flawed and biased.
Relevance: According to the document, chemical exposure sampling for Gulf Cleanup workers sampled too few chemicals, too few locations, too few number of number of workers, and sampling was poorly documented. Additionally, BP and OSHA did not provide enough information or data to show that the “worst exposures” (or worst-case exposures) to chemicals were sampled or ever accounted for. Additionally, the document demonstrates that BP misinterpreted the air sampling to mean that the air quality in the Gulf of Mexico was safe for workers, everywhere, at all times. BP knew or should have known based on this document that its chemical exposure monitoring program was not only flawed but “dangerously deficient.”
Title of Document: Exponent Authored DWH Publications
Description: In late 2015, BP documented a list of 16 studies that Exponent proposed publishing to help BP deal with environmental problems from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Several examples from this proposal below:
“Paper is related to one that will flow out of GOMRI,” states one proposed Exponent study. GOMRI is an independent group of researchers studying the BP oil spill. This shows that BP was carefully tracking GOMRI studies as they were being developed to either counter or support them.
“Key strategic paper that will present an empirical model and results as applied to DWHOS as an alternative to SIMAP,” states another proposed Exponent study. SIMAP is modeling system that simulates oil spills and evaluate spill responses and impacts, and is used by various government agencies. Exponent’s proposed research could be used to counter government models.
“The importance of examining alternative causes to observed environmental effects after oil spills,” states another proposed Exponent study. Several studies published by Exponent helped BP point away from their own oil as the reason for environmental harm.
“This paper will illustrate, through a review of the key sea turtle stressors, that at any given time and place multiple stressors are influencing sea turtles in the Gulf,” states another proposed Exponent paper. By magnifying other environmental stressors, BP could downplay the harms to sea turtles caused by BP fossil fuels.
This document implies that BP planned to use Exponent studies to advance their scientific agenda to downplay the harms of spilled oil or buttress studies that supported their legal goals. Exponent provided these services in the past for Exxon Mobil.
For example, after the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, Exxon sponsored dozens of Exponent studies. This included a study titled, “Are Sea Otters Still Being Exposed to Subsurface Intertidal Oil Residues from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill?” Exponent’s study alleged that sea otters were not dying from oil poisoning as Exxon’s oil was not found where they fed. A subsequent study found that Exxon’s oil was in the area otters were feeding
Title of Document: Internal Communication ‘re: BP’s Dangerously Deficient Chemical Exposure Data’
Description: Independent industrial hygienists were reviewing the same publicly available data and raising the alarm that the data was “dangerously deficient” and drawing attention to the number of Benzene and Corexit (2-Butoxy ethanol) samples that were exceeding occupation exposure limits.
Relevance: BP has faced serious criticism since 2010 from independent industrial hygienists regarding how BP’s “chemical exposure air sampling data [is] incomplete, unrepresentative, poorly documented, untimely, and misinterpreted.” However, to date, BP and BP’s experts ask the court to blindly accept their monitoring Data, making claims that the data is the “best in the world.” The underestimations in the data, combined with the lack of transparency in the BP’s publicly available data, has prevented critics from validating the data BP’s experts rely on in their court filings to date.
Title of Document: Bea Strong Email – “Where were these samples taken?”
Description: Email from BP’s Manager of Regulatory Affairs questioning how Exponent’s samples taken in Bon Secour could be “very clean,” when he was personally out at Bon Secour and what he observed was “definitely oil.” He questions whether Exponent took the samples “directly behind a Beach Tech or similar mechanical sifting machine.”
Relevance: Even BP’s own internal communications show that BP employees questioned how Exponent–a consulting firm hired to help collect sampling in preparation for defense in future litigation–was conveniently not detecting oil where oil was visible. BP’s own admissions in this document questioning Exponent’s sampling raise major concerns regarding all of Exponent’s Deepwater Horizon sampling efforts. These clean samples, in areas where oil was visible, evidence Exponent’s attempts to under-report the chemical exposures clean-up workers and the community actually faced.
Title of Document: Hammer Environmental Context for Industry
Description: Email from Exponent’s Vice President informing BP that “[w]hat is needed (needed by the industry) is to hammer on the environmental context and how, even if you believe the lab data, the PAH concentrations seldom get high enough to cause any effect and if they do, the duration is very short.”
Relevance: This document provides further evidence that BP’s contractors actively focused on publications in the “environmental” context because it was better for “industry”. Exponent was directing BP to downplay the impacts to the environment of high PAH exposure due to the “short duration” of exposure. Despite high PAH concentrations, it was better for industry “to hammer on the environmental context,” rather than presumably, evaluate the human health concerns.
Title of Document: Pulling The Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Plug
Description: Three months after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded on April, 20, 2010, a BP industrial hygienist sent BP officials a July 31email with the subject “Pulling The IH [industrial hygiene] Monitoring Plug.” BP officials discussed industrial hygiene operations to protect cleanup workers as more of a “political/public relations decision.” The email was addressed to a BP executive who was in Alabama as “Mobile’s Deputy Incident Command Chief” although a LinkedIn account now lists his title as “Crisis Management at BP America.” BP officials discussed facing the same safety dilemma in the 2005 Texas City explosion disaster but wrote that monitoring “adds value in the eyes of public perception” and in “defending potential future litigation.”
Relevance: This email string provides further evidence that scientific monitoring to protect worker safety may have been for public relations and litigation purposes. The fact that the BP official in charge of Mobile handles crisis management for BP lends further credence to this opinion. After the BP’s 2005 Texas City explosion—which CNN reported left 15 people dead—an email surfaced in a lawsuit in which BP discussed the heavy loss of life, but that media coverage would disappear over the weekend.
Title of Document: Shoreline Cleanup Training Modules
Description: These documents are two examples of Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) training courses that BP gave to its clean-up workers prior to sending them out during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. As is typical with many dangerous work environments, Oil Spill clean-up workers during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill were required to take various HSE training courses prior to starting their first day of work. These HSE Training courses were intended to educate workers on the types of dangers they may be exposed to during their clean-up work. According to these training modules, shoreline cleanup workers would only work with weathered oil, which no longer released volatile components. Similarly, exposure to dispersants was “very unlikely,” and there are “no ingredients [in dispersants] that cause long-term health effects.”
Relevance: BP misrepresented the type of harm response workers were truly facing and misdirected their attention to lesser dangers, such as heat exhaustion and dangerous wildlife. BP even went as far as to state that exposure to dispersants would be the same as “exposure to any mild detergent” and “dispersants used in the Gulf have no ingredients that cause long-term health effects, including cancer.” Further, BP actively trained shoreline clean-up workers to believe that they would not need breathing protection because they were only exposed to weathered oil. The information in the training module stands directly against a universe of scientific literature regarding the harmful effects of exposure to oil. In fact, many clean-up workers relied on these representations from BP to the point that they did not associate their health conditions to their exposure during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill until many years after they developed their medical conditions.
Title of Document: Exponent Retainer
Description: On May 20, 2010, Boehm signed an agreement with Arnold and Porter to work on behalf of BP Exploration. That agreement concerned natural resource damages (NRD) potentially arising out of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Potentially adverse parties named in the contract signed by Boehm included: Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Commerce, and the U.S. Department of the Interior. BP hired Paul Boehm and others with the consulting firm Exponent to help them defend future legal matters involving the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Relevance: BP hired contractors to generate sampling data and publish scientific literature used to promote their defense. After signing the contracting agreement with BP Exploration, Boehm gave presentations at scientific conferences and published research in peer reviewed journals on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that contained no disclosure of the following: Boehm was a contractor retained to defend and advocate for BP; Boehm’s work on Deepwater Horizon matters was property of BP Exploration and “Works Made for Hire”; Boehm’s contract with BP legally restrained him from “any activities that are adverse to the interests of BP Exploration or Arnold & Porter’s representation” on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill “even after termination of your consulting work.”
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